You are here: Client menu > CLIENT PROFILE > Profiling > Demographic Data

Demographic Data

Client demographic data can be recorded by year to facilitate benchmarking. Data such as employees, sales, payroll, etc. will change from year-to-year and can be documented on the demographic data tab. The demographic data tab can also be used to track estimated versus actual values. The demographic data tab can be customized in SETUP > Lookup Management > Client > Demographic Data.

Note: Fields on the demographic data tab are available for use when creating document templates.

To Add Demographic Data

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the appropriate client.
  3. Click the profiling > demographic data tab.

  1. Click [Add New]. The Demographic Data Detail screen is displayed.

  1. In the Year list, select the appropriate year.
  2. In the Field Description list, select the appropriate description for the demographic data. These selections are set up by the administrator in SETUP > Lookup Management > Client > Demographic Data.
  3. In the Estimated Value box, enter the estimated value for the selected Field Description. Alphanumeric characters can be entered with no formatting. The following special characters may also be entered ($ - dollar sign), (% - percentage symbol), (, - comma), and (/ - slash).
  4. In the Actual Value box, enter the actual value for the selected Field Description.The following special characters may also be entered ($ - dollar sign), (% - percentage symbol), (, - comma), and (/ - slash).
  5. Click [Save]. The new data is added to the summary on the demographic detail tab.

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Lookup Management

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